Today we spent the day exploring number - Place Value, Fractions, Decimals, Percentages and Integers. Below are some of my takeaways.
I was reminded again how important it is to use materials to introduce new maths concepts, to further student's understanding and to correct misconceptions. In the coming weeks I'm looking forward to using deci-pipes and deci-mats to teach decimals.
I was also reminded how important maths vocabulary is in students mathematical understanding. I have come away thinking about how I can be more intentional and explicit about tending to this vocabulary. I have been guilty of focussing so much on teaching a new mathematical concept that I can brush over the vocabulary instead of taking the time to tend to it.
Choral Counting
Choral counting is an activity in which the teacher leads children in counting aloud together by a given number. Today was the first time I was introduced to it. I can see how beneficial it could be for developing student's number sense and computational skills. I'm interested in using it particularly with decimals numbers for my year 7/8 students.