Tuesday, 7 March 2023

Reading Practice Intensive Day 2 - Reflection

Toaday was day 2 of the Manaiakalani Reading Practise Intensive. The focus of toad was around knowing your leaners as readers. 

One of the biggest learnings for me was around tracking our kids progress. In teaching, there are so many pieces of relevant information that needs to be used to assess children's learning needs and design their learning. The challenge can be storing this information so that it is easily accessible. Today we were introduced to a comprehensive digital Teacher's Workbook that can be used to not only hold the information but plan for leanring as well - a one stop shop as such! Though initially the Teacher Workbook look overwhelming due to the number of tabs it's easy to see that in the long run a tracking and planning document like this will be of great value to my teaching practise.

I was also reminded how much useful and valuable information there is through analysing the PAT data of my children. I can use it to see common gaps in my students reading comprehension and then design specific leanring tasks to tend to them.  I'm interested as to what I'll find out.


1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Rob

    I appreciated reading your reflections and key takeaways from Day 2: Knowing Your Learners as Readers. I agree that a key focus is being responsive to what we learn from the range of assessment tools we draw on and how insights from assessment data are actioned in our design for learning. As you say, a tool like the RPI Teacher Workbook can feel overwhelming at first but like the introduction of anything new, it will be important to take small, manageable steps towards using it in a way that targets purposeful intervention design from your data reflections. For example, I was wondering how you got on with filtering your learner interest survey for shared interests, genres and popular titles. Did you manage to use the Google Form analytics to get a deeper understanding of reading for enjoyment patterns and how you could possibly work with learners to design agentic interventions that are learner-created and informed?

    I would also be really interested to hear how your PAT Reading Comprehension question-answer analysis helps pin-point areas for integration in task design and opportunities to learn? Did you identify any shared patterns that could be of targeted focus? Sharing these with your team could also support collaboration around the design to shoulder the workload and professional learning

    Toni and Sandy mentioned that there was conversation happening around how the Pt England school library could be more purposefully used and I wondered if, as a group of RPI teachers, you had come up with some easy your older learners (e.g. student leaders) could help design Reading For Enjoyment challenges (or other tuakana teina ‘reading together’ approaches).

    Look forward to further discussion about the above and your practice implementation over this next fortnight.

    Nga mihi
    Naomi R.
    Literacy Facilitator - Manaiakalani Reading Practice Intensive


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