Wednesday, 29 March 2023

Reading Practice Intensive Day 3 - Reflection

Day 3 of the Reading Practice Intensive gave me a lot to think about. Here are some of my leanrings and take aways. 


In his work on teaching summarising, Timothy Shanahan's suggest an important part step is for teachers to model deleting the information that isn't necessary from a text. This was new to me when it comes to summarising and makes a lot of sense. Usually my focus has highlighting important pieces of information however this isn't any easy thing to do and deleting the information that isn't necessary may a more effective strategy. I look forward to using this with my kids. 

Mixed Groups

Historically I have used levelled groups when it comes to my reading program i.e students with similar reading ages are grouped together. After today, I am interested in incorporating mixed and flexible grouping into my reading program. There are many to consider in doing this however I think providing flexible grouping will be beneficial for my kids. 


T Shaped Literacy

I found the discussion around text sets interesting, in particular T-Shaped Literacy

The T-Shape Literacy Model (Wilson & Jesson, 2019) proposes that learners’ literacy learning can be enhanced when they read a range of texts (represented by the horizontal bar of the “T”) to explore a unifying concept in a deep way (as represented by the vertical bar).  - From RPI Day 3 content

Over the coming term I will be endeavouring to incorporate the T-Shape Literacy Model into my text selection process. 

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Rob

    It’s really strategic that your inquiry question this year has a discussion and discourse focus, given it is also an ongoing, important focus in the Reading Practice Intensive. I really like that you are framing your question with ‘dialogic’ intent and that you have comprehension, oral reasoning and vocabulary improvement as key goals. Aaron Wilson and Jacinta Oldehaver’s report on the Talk about Text study may be a useful read. The literature review at the beginning makes a case for those strong links back to the ‘voice’, language and big ideas in the text for resourcing the discussion and engagement.

    It’s also good to hear that Day 3 on the RPI gave you a lot to think about around Tim Shanahan’s research-based recommendations teaching summarising. I also look forward to following your rethinking on building flexibility into your groups.
    I hope you enjoy Day 5: Guided reading and I look forward to your insightful contributions to our breakouts!

    Nga mihi
    Naomi R.
    Literacy Facilitator - Manaiakalani Reading Practice Intensive


Manaiakalani Maths Intensive Day 9 - Create and Share

Today marked the final day of the Manaiakalani Maths Intensive, with a focus on two key ideas: Creating and Sharing.  Creating in Maths I’ve...